A wise man once said that if you can walk, you can also try snowshoeing. It’s amazing how much easier it is to explore the snow-covered landscape with snowshoes. They help distribute your body weight evenly over the surface, allowing you to walk effortlessly even in deep snow. In Dimmuborgir, we are fortunate to have excellent landscape, offering endless possibilities.
Dimmuborgir in icelandic means ́Dark Castles ́, but there is nothing dark about this charming area, that was fomred almost 2,000 years ago. The landscape is a reflections of how powerfull and creative nature can be. Lava rocks and fildes, dramatic clifs, dramatic caves was an inspirations for many icelandic folklore stories. Recently the Dimmurborgir appread in well renownd show. If you ́re a fan of ́Game of Thrones ́ the area might be quite famillair to you.