What is luxury travel?

Posted 5 months ago

We all have a rough idea of what luxury is, it is a state of great comfort or elegance. But what does luxury travel stand for? It has changed a lot in the previous years and decades. Previously, luxury travel was all about first class, Michelin star restaurants and 5* star hotels.

Today luxury travel is about experience. To experience something unusual and extraordinary.

When we ask Jón Ólafur, our owner and renowned explorer, what his definition of Luxury is he simply says, “strawberries dipped in chocolate on top of Greenland glacier.” And that is exactly what luxury travel is about! There is nothing luxurious about strawberries dipped in chocolate as you can have that service in almost every hotel in the world. However, sitting on top of Greenland's glacier, having champagne and strawberries while the Aurora Borealis dance above you…that is luxury!

What does luxury travel taste like?

We have found that luxury travel is about the experience, and food is one of the most important elements that make the experience extraordinary! But it’s not just about the food itself, it’s about the setup, atmosphere, service, and everything around the food that paints the picture of luxury.

Luxury means creating a once-in-a-lifetime moment that will stay in your memory forever.

  • Celebrating your anniversary with a private dinner in a secret cave.
  • Proposing to your significant other with dinner in an ice cave.
  • Or simply a perfectly cooked steak under the stars.

These are all examples of what luxury can taste like. Every occasion and experience is different and therefore requires special attention. What makes something extraordinary is an eye for detail.

It’s the little things that create the "wow" factor.

What does luxury travel feel like?

When you book a luxurious trip, you want to be blown away and have every experience meet your expectations. You want to feel like everything is perfect, like every little detail is on point. Luxury travel is simply when every step of the way is exactly like it’s supposed to be, and every moment exceeds your lofty expectations.

Perhaps like heated tents on a glacier under the dance of the Aurora or a day of Heli Skiing on fresh powder in the mountains of North Iceland.